
Experimental entropy coding algorithm for advanced variants of bits-back coding.

This module provides the ChainCoder, an experimental entropy coder that is similar to an AnsCoder in that it operates as a stack (i.e., a last-in-first-out data structure). However, different to an AnsCoder, a ChainCoder treats each symbol independently. Thus, when decoding some bit string into a sequence of symbols, any modification to the entropy model for one symbol does not affect decoding for any other symbol (by contrast, when decoding with an AnsCoder or RangeDecoder, a change to the entropy model for one symbol can affect all subsequently decoded symbols too, see Motivation below).

Treating symbols independently upon encoding and decoding can be useful for advanced compression methods that combine inference, quantization, and bits-back coding. In treating symbols independently, a ChainCoder bears some resemblance with symbol codes. However, in contrast to symbol codes, a ChainCoder still amortizes compressed bits over symbols and therefore has better compression effectiveness than a symbol code; in a sense, it just delays amortization to the very end of its life cycle (see "How Does ChainCoder Work?" below).

Usage Example

A ChainCoder is meant to be used as a building block for advanced applications of the bits-back trick [1, 2]. One therefore typically starts on the encoder side by decoding some "side information" into a sequence of symbols. On the decoder side, one then recovers the side information by (re-)encoding these symbols. It is important to be aware that both the initialization of a ChainCoder and the way how we obtain its encapsulated data differ from the encoder and decoder side, as illustrated in the following example of a full round trip:

# Parameters for a few example Gaussian entropy models:
leaky_gaussian =, 100)
means = np.array([3.2, -14.3, 5.7])
stds = np.array([6.4, 4.2, 3.9])

def run_encoder_part(side_information):
    # Construct a `ChainCoder` for *decoding*:
    coder =
        side_information,    # Provided bit string.
        is_remainders=False, # Bit string is *not* remaining data after decoding.
        seal=True            # Bit string comes from an external source here.
    # Decode side information into a sequence of symbols as usual in bits-back coding:
    symbols = coder.decode(leaky_gaussian, means, stds)
    # Obtain what's *remaining* on the coder after decoding the symbols:
    remaining1, remaining2 = coder.get_remainders()
    return symbols, np.concatenate([remaining1, remaining2])

def run_decoder_part(symbols, remaining):
    # Construct a `ChainCoder` for *encoding*:
    coder =
        remaining,           # Provided bit string.
        is_remainders=True,  # Bit string *is* remaining data after decoding.
        seal=False           # Bit string comes from a `ChainCoder`, no need to seal it.
    # Re-encode the symbols to recover the side information:
    coder.encode_reverse(symbols, leaky_gaussian, means, stds)
    # Obtain the reconstructed data
    data1, data2 = coder.get_data(unseal=True)
    return np.concatenate([data1, data2])

sample_side_information = np.random.randint(2**32, size=10, dtype=np.uint32)
symbols, remaining = run_encoder_part(sample_side_information)
recovered = run_decoder_part(symbols, remaining)
assert np.all(recovered == sample_side_information)

Notice that:

  • we construct the ChainCoder with argument is_remainders=False on the encoder side (which decodes symbols from the side information), and with argument is_remainders=True on the decoder side (which re-encodes the symbols to recover the side information); and
  • we export the remaining bit string on the ChainCoder after decoding some symbols from it by calling get_remainders, and we export the recovered side information after re-encoding the symbols by calling get_data. Both methods return a pair of bit strings (more precisely, uint32 arrays) where only the second item of the pair is strictly required to invert the process we just performed, but we may concatenate the two bit strings without loss of information.

To understand why this asymmetry between encoder and decoder side is necessary, see section "How Does ChainCoder Work?" below.

[A side remark concerning the seal and unseal arguments: when constructing a ChainCoder from some bit string that we obtained from either ChainCoder.get_remaining() or from AnsCoder.get_compressed() then we may set seal=False in the constructor since these methods guarantee that the last word of the bit string is nonzero. By contrast, when we construct a ChainCoder from some bit string that is outside of our control (and that may therefore end in a zero word), then we have to set seal=True in the constructor (and we then have to set unseal=True when we want to get that bit string back via get_data).]


The following two examples illustrate how the ChainCoder provided in this module differs from an AnsCoder from the sister module

The Problem With AnsCoder

We start with an AnsCoder, and we decode a fixed bitstring data two times, using slightly different sequences of entropy models each time. As expected, decoding the same data with different entropy models leads to different sequences of decoded symbols. Somewhat surprisingly, however, changes to entropy models can have a ripple effect: in the example below, the line marked with "<– change first entropy model" changes only the entropy model for the first symbol. Nevertheless, this change of a single entropy model causes the coder to decode different symbols in more than just that one place.

# Some sample binary data and sample probabilities for our entropy models
data = np.array([0x80d14131, 0xdda97c6c, 0x5017a640, 0x01170a3e], np.uint32)
probabilities = np.array(
    [[0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 0.1],  # (<-- probabilities for first decoded symbol)
     [0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.5],  # (<-- probabilities for second decoded symbol)
     [0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.3]]) # (<-- probabilities for third decoded symbol)
model_family =

# Decoding `data` with an `AnsCoder` results in the symbols `[0, 0, 2]`:
ansCoder =, seal=True)
print(ansCoder.decode(model_family, probabilities)) # (prints: [0, 0, 2])

# Even if we change only the first entropy model (slightly), *all* decoded
# symbols can change:
probabilities[0, :] = np.array([0.09, 0.71, 0.1, 0.1])
ansCoder =, seal=True)
print(ansCoder.decode(model_family, probabilities)) # (prints: [1, 0, 0])

In the above example, it's no surprise that changing the first entropy model made the first decoded symbol change (from "0" to "1"). But notice that the third symbol also changes (from "1" to "3") even though we didn't change its entropy model. This ripple effect is a result of the fact that the internal state of ansCoder after decoding the first symbol depends on model1. This is usually what we'd want from a good entropy coder that packs as much information into as few bits as possible. However, it can become a problem in certain advanced compression methods that combine bits-back coding with quantization and inference. For those applications, a ChainCoder, illustrated in the next example, may be more suitable.

The Solution With a ChainCoder

In the following example, we replace the AnsCoder with a ChainCoder. This means, firstly and somewhat trivially, that we will decode the same bit string data into a different sequence of symbols than in the last example because ChainCoder uses a different entropy coding algorithm than AnsCoder. The more profound difference to the example with the AnsCoder above is, however, that changes to a single entropy model no longer have a ripple effect: when we now change the entropy model for one of the symbols, this change affects only the corresponding symbol. All subsequently decoded symbols remain unchanged.

# Same compressed data and original entropy models as in our first example
data = np.array([0x80d14131, 0xdda97c6c, 0x5017a640, 0x01170a3e], np.uint32)
probabilities = np.array(
    [[0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 0.1],  # (<-- probabilities for first decoded symbol)
     [0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.5],  # (<-- probabilities for second decoded symbol)
     [0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.3]]) # (<-- probabilities for third decoded symbol)
model_family =

# Decode with the original entropy models, this time using a `ChainCoder`:
chainCoder =, seal=True)
print(chainCoder.decode(model_family, probabilities)) # (prints: [0, 3, 3])

# We obtain different symbols than for the `AnsCoder`, of course, but that's
# not the point here. Now let's change the first model again:
probabilities[0, :] = np.array([0.09, 0.71, 0.1, 0.1])
chainCoder =, seal=True)
print(chainCoder.decode(model_family, probabilities)) # (prints: [1, 3, 3])

Notice that the only symbol that changes is the one whose entropy model we changed. Thus, in a ChainCoder, changes to entropy models (and also to compressed bits) only have a local effect on the decompressed symbols.

How Does ChainCoder Work?

The class ChainCoder uses an experimental new entropy coding algorithm that is inspired by but different to Asymmetric Numeral Systems (ANS) [3] as used by the AnsCoder in the sister module This experimental new entropy coding algorithm was proposed in Ref. [4].

In ANS, decoding a single symbol can conceptually be divided into three steps:

  1. We chop off a fixed integer number of bits (the AnsCoder uses 24 bits by default) from the end of the compressed bit string.
  2. We interpret the 24 bits obtained from Step 1 above as the fixed-point binary representation of a fractional number between zero and one and we map this number to a symbol via the quantile function of the entropy model (the quantile function is the inverse of the cumulative distribution function; it is sometimes also called the percent-point function).
  3. We put back some (typically non-integer amount of) information content to the compressed bit string by using the bits-back trick [1, 2]. These "returned" bits account for the difference between the 24 bits that we consumed in Step 1 above and the true information content of the symbol that we decoded in Step 2 above.

The ripple effect from a single changed entropy model that we observed in the ANS example above comes from Step 3 of the ANS algorithm since the information content that we put back (and therefore also the internal state of the coder after putting back the information) depends on the employed entropy model. By contrast, Step 1 is independent of the entropy model and Step 2 does not mutate the coder's internal state. To avoid a ripple effect when changing entropy models, a ChainCoder therefore effectively postpones Step 3 to a later point.

In detail, a ChainCoder keeps track of not just one but two bit strings, which we call compressed and remaining. When we use a ChainCoder to decode a symbol then we chop off 24 bits from compressed (analogous to Step 1 of the above ANS algorithm) and we identify the decoded symbol (Step 2); different to Step 3 of the ANS algorithm, however, we then put back the variable-length superfluous information to the separate bit string remaining. Thus, if we were to change the entropy model, this change can only affect the decoded symbol and the contents of remaining after decoding the symbol, but it will not affect the contents of compressed after decoding the symbol. Thus, any subsequent symbols that we decode from the bit string compressed remain unaffected.

If we want to use a ChainCoder to encode data then we have to initialize remaining with some sufficiently long bit string (by setting is_remaining=True in the constructor, see usage example. The methods get_remaining and get_data return both bit strings compressed and remaining in the appropriate order and with an appropriate finishing that allows the caller to concatenate them without a delimiter (see again usage example).


The name ChainCoder refers to the fact that the coder consumes and generates compressed bits in fixed-sized quanta (24 bits per symbol by default), reminiscent of how a chain (as opposed to, say, a rope) can only be shortened or extended by fixed-sized quanta (the chain links).


  • [1] Townsend, James, Tom Bird, and David Barber. "Practical lossless compression with latent variables using bits back coding." arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.04866 (2019).
  • [2] Duda, Jarek, et al. "The use of asymmetric numeral systems as an accurate replacement for Huffman coding." 2015 Picture Coding Symposium (PCS). IEEE, 2015.
  • [3] Wallace, Chris S. "Classification by minimum-message-length inference." International Conference on Computing and Information. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1990.
  • [4] Bamler, Robert. "Understanding Entropy Coding With Asymmetric Numeral Systems (ANS): a Statistician's Perspective." arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.01741 (2022).


class ChainCoder (data, is_remainders=False, seal=False)

See module level documentation.

Constructor arguments:

  • data is a one-dimensional numpy array of dtype np.uint32.
  • is_remaining should be False if you intend to decode symbols from data and True if you intend to encode symbols.
  • seal must be False (the default) if is_remainders==True, and it should be True if is_remainders==False unless you can guarantee that the last word of data is nonzero (e.g., if you obtained data from either np.concatenate(ChainCoder.get_remaining()) or from AnsCoder.get_compressed() then the last word, if existent, is guaranteed to be nonzero and you may set seal=False).

See above usage example for a more elaborate explanation of the constructor arguments.


def clone(self, /)

Creates a deep copy of the coder and returns it.

The returned copy will initially encapsulate the identical compressed data and remainders as the original coder, but the two coders can be used independently without influencing other.

def decode(self, /, model, *optional_amt_or_model_params)

Decodes one or more symbols.

Usage is analogous to AnsCoder.decode.

Decoding consumes the fixed amount of 24 bits per encoded symbol from the internal "compressed" buffer, regardless of the employed entropy model(s), and it appends (24 bits - inf_content) per symbol to the internal "remainders" buffer (where "inf_content" is the information content of the decoded symbol under the employed entropy model).

def encode_reverse(self, /, symbols, model, *optional_model_params)

Encodes one or more symbols.

Usage is analogous to AnsCoder.encode_reverse.

Encoding appends the fixed amount of 24 bits per encoded symbol to the internal "compressed" buffer, regardless of the employed entropy model(s), and it consumes (24 bits - inf_content) per symbol from the internal "remainders" buffer (where "inf_content" is the information content of the encoded symbol under the employed entropy model).

def get_data(self, /, unseal=False)

Returns a copy of the compressed data after re-encoding symbols, split into two arrays that you may want to concatenate.

See above usage instructions for further explanation.

def get_remainders(self, /)

Returns a copy of the remainders after decoding some symbols, split into two arrays that you may want to concatenate.

See above usage instructions for further explanation.