
Entropy models and model families for use with any of the stream codes from the sister modules stack, queue, and chain.

This module provides tools to define probability distributions over symbols in fixed point arithmetic, so that the models (more precisely, their cumulative distributions functions) are exactly invertible without any rounding errors. Being exactly invertible is crucial for for data compression since even tiny rounding errors can have catastrophic consequences in an entropy coder (this issue is discussed in the motivating example of the ChainCoder). Further, the entropy models in this module all have a well-defined domain, and they always assign a nonzero probability to all symbols within this domain, even if the symbol is in the tail of some distribution where its true probability would be lower than the smallest value that is representable in the employed fixed point arithmetic. This ensures that symbols from the well-defined domain of a model can, in principle, always be encoded without throwing an error (symbols with the smallest representable probability will, however, have a very high bitrate of 24 bits).

Concrete Models vs. Model Families

The entropy models in this module can be instantiated in two different ways:

  • (a) as concrete models that are fully parameterized; simply provide all model parameters to the constructor of the model (e.g., the mean and standard deviation of a QuantizedGaussian, or the domain of a Uniform model). You can use a concrete model to either encode or decode single symbols, or to efficiently encode or decode a whole array of i.i.d. symbols (i.e., using the same model for each symbol in the array, see first example below).
  • (b) as model families, i.e., models that still have some free parameters (again, like the mean and standard deviation of a QuantizedGaussian, or the range of a Uniform distribution); simply leave out any optional model parameters when calling the model constructor. When you then use the resulting model family to encode or decode an array of symbols, you can provide arrays of model parameters to the encode and decode methods of the employed entropy coder. This will allow you to use individual model parameters for each symbol, see second example below (this is more efficient than constructing a new concrete model for each symbol and looping over the symbols in Python).


Constructing and using a concrete QuantizedGaussian model with mean 12.6 and standard deviation 7.3, and which is quantized to integers on the domain {-100, -99, …, 100}:

model =, 100, 12.6, 7.3)

# Encode and decode an example message:
symbols = np.array([12, 15, 4, -2, 18, 5], dtype=np.int32)
coder = # (RangeEncoder also works)
coder.encode_reverse(symbols, model)
print(coder.get_compressed()) # (prints: [745994372, 25704])

reconstructed = coder.decode(model, 6) # (decodes 6 i.i.d. symbols)
assert np.all(reconstructed == symbols) # (verify correctness)

We can generalize the above example and use model-specific means and standard deviations by constructing and using a model family instead of a concrete model, and by providing arrays of model parameters to the encode and decode methods:

model_family =, 100)
# Note: we omitted the mean and standard deviation, but the quantization range
#       {-100, ..., 100} must always be specified when constructing the model.

# Define arrays of model parameters (means and standard deviations):
symbols = np.array([12,   15,   4,   -2,   18,   5  ], dtype=np.int32)
means   = np.array([13.2, 17.9, 7.3, -4.2, 25.1, 3.2], dtype=np.float64)
stds    = np.array([ 3.2,  4.7, 5.2,  3.1,  6.3, 2.9], dtype=np.float64)

# Encode and decode an example message:
coder = # (RangeEncoder also works)
coder.encode_reverse(symbols, model_family, means, stds)
print(coder.get_compressed()) # (prints: [2051958011, 1549])

reconstructed = coder.decode(model_family, means, stds)
assert np.all(reconstructed == symbols) # (verify correctness)


class Bernoulli (self, p=None)

A Bernoulli distribution over the alphabet {0, 1}.

Model Parameter

The model parameter can either be specified as a scalar when constructing the model, or as a rank-1 numpy array with dtype=np.float64 when calling the entropy coder's encode or decode method (see discussion above). Note that, in the latter case, you still have to call the constructor of the model, i.e.: model_family = — note the trailing ().

  • p — the probability for the symbol being 1 rather than 0. Must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (both inclusive). Note that, even if you set p = 0.0 or p = 1.0, constriction still assigns a tiny probability to the disallowed outcome so that both symbols 0 and 1 can always be encoded, albeit at a potentially large cost in bitrate.


  • builtins.Model
class Binomial (self, n=None, p=None)

A Binomial distribution over the alphabet {0, 1, …, n}.

Models the number of successful trials out of n trials where the trials are independent from each other and each one succeeds with probability p.

Model Parameters

Each model parameter can either be specified as a scalar when constructing the model, or as a rank-1 numpy array (with dtype=np.int32 for n and dtype=np.float64 for p) when calling the entropy coder's encode or decode method (see discussion above). Note that, even if you delay all model parameters to the point of encoding or decoding, then you still have to call the constructor of the model, i.e.: model_family = — note the trailing ().

  • n — the number of trials;
  • p — the probability that any given trial succeeds; must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (both inclusive). For your convenience, constriction always assigns a (possibly tiny but) nonzero probability to all symbols in the range {0, 1, …, n}, even if you set p = 0.0 or p = 1.0 so that all symbols in this range can in principle be encoded, albeit possibly at a high bitrate.


  • builtins.Model
class Categorical (self, probabilities=None)

A categorical distribution with explicitly provided probabilities.

Allows you to define any probability distribution over the alphabet {0, 1, ... n-1} by explicitly providing the probability of each symbol in the alphabet.


Using a concrete (i.e., fully parameterized) CategoricalModel:

# Define a categorical distribution over the (implied) alphabet {0,1,2,3}
# with P(X=0) = 0.2, P(X=1) = 0.4, P(X=2) = 0.1, and P(X=3) = 0.3:
probabilities = np.array([0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.3], dtype=np.float64)
model =

# Encode and decode an example message:
symbols = np.array([0, 3, 2, 3, 2, 0, 2, 1], dtype=np.int32)
coder = # (RangeEncoder also works)
coder.encode_reverse(symbols, model)
print(coder.get_compressed()) # (prints: [488222996, 175])

reconstructed = coder.decode(model, 8) # (decodes 8 i.i.d. symbols)
assert np.all(reconstructed == symbols) # (verify correctness)

Using a model family so that we can provide individual probabilities for each encoded or decoded symbol:

# Define 3 categorical distributions, each over the alphabet {0,1,2,3,4}:
model_family = # note empty `()`
probabilities = np.array(
    [[0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.2],  # (for symbols[0])
     [0.1, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2],  # (for symbols[1])
     [0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1]], # (for symbols[2])

symbols = np.array([0, 4, 1], dtype=np.int32)
coder = # (RangeEncoder also works)
coder.encode_reverse(symbols, model_family, probabilities)
print(coder.get_compressed()) # (prints: [152672664])

reconstructed = coder.decode(model_family, probabilities)
assert np.all(reconstructed == symbols) # (verify correctness)

Model Parameters

  • probabilities — the probability table, as a numpy array. You can specify the probabilities either directly when constructing the model by passing a rank-1 numpy array with dtype=np.float64 and length n to the constructor; or you can call the constructor with no arguments and instead provide a rank-2 tensor of shape (m, n) when encoding or decoding an array of m symbols, as in the second example above.

The probability table for each symbol must be normalizable (i.e., all probabilities must be nonnegative and finite), but the probabilities don't necessarily have to sum to one. They will automatically be rescaled to an exactly normalized distribution. Further, constriction guarantees to assign at least the smallest representable nonzero probability to all symbols from the range {0, 1, ..., n-1} (where n is the number of provided probabilities), even if the provided probability for some symbol is smaller than the smallest representable probability (including if it is exactly 0.0). This ensures that all symbols from this range can in principle be encoded.

Note that, if you delay providing the probabilities until encoding or decoding as in the second example above, you still have to call the constructor of the model, i.e., model_family = — note the empty parentheses () at the end.


  • builtins.Model
class CustomModel (self, cdf, approximate_inverse_cdf, min_symbol_inclusive, max_symbol_inclusive)

Wrapper for a model (or model family) defined via custom callback functions

A CustomModel provides maximum flexibility for defining entropy models. It encapsulates a user-defined cumulative distribution function (CDF) and the corresponding quantile function (inverse of the CDF, also called percent point function or PPF).

A CustomModel can define either a concrete model or a model family (see discussion above). To define a model family, the provided callbacks for the CDF and PPF should expect additional model parameters, see second example below.

Before You Read on

If you use the scipy python package for defining your entropy model, then there's no need to use CustomModel. The adapter ScipyModel will be more convenient.


Using a concrete (i.e., fully parameterized) custom model:

model =
    lambda x: ... TODO ...,  # define your CDF here
    lambda xi: ... TODO ..., # provide an approximate inverse of the CDF
   -100, 100) # (or whichever range your model has)

# Encode and decode an example message:
symbols = np.array([... TODO ...], dtype=np.int32)
coder = # (RangeEncoder also works)
coder.encode_reverse(symbols, model)

reconstructed = coder.decode(model, 5) # (decodes 5 i.i.d. symbols)
assert np.all(reconstructed == symbols) # (verify correctness)

Using a model family so that we can provide individual model parameters for each encoded or decoded symbol:

model_family =
    lambda x, model_param1, model_param2: ... TODO ...,  # CDF
    lambda xi, model_param1, model_param2: ... TODO ..., # PPF
   -100, 100) # (or whichever range your model has)

# Encode and decode an example message with per-symbol model parameters:
symbols       = np.array([... TODO ...], dtype=np.int32)
model_params1 = np.array([... TODO ...], dtype=np.float64)
model_params2 = np.array([... TODO ...], dtype=np.float64)
coder = # (RangeEncoder also works)
coder.encode_reverse(symbols, model_family, model_params1, model_params2)

reconstructed = coder.decode(model_family, model_params1, model_params2)
assert np.all(reconstructed == symbols) # (verify correctness)


The following arguments always have to be provided directly to the constructor of the model. They cannot be delayed until encoding or decoding. However, you may provide callback functions cdf and approximate_inverse_cdf that expect additional model parameters, which you then pass in as numpy arrays when calling the entropy coder's encode or decode method, see second example above.

  • cdf — the cumulative distribution function; must be a nondecreasing function that returns a scalar between 0.0 and 1.0 (both inclusive) when evaluated at any mid-point between two consecutive integers within the inclusive range from min_symbol_inclusive to max_symbol_inclusive. The function signature must be cdf(x, [param1, [param2, [param3, …]]]) where x is the value at which constriction will evaluate the CDF, and paramX will be provided if the CustomModel is used as a model family, as in the second example above.
  • approximate_inverse_cdf — the inverse of the CDF, also called quantile function or percent point function (PPF). This function does not have to return very precise results since constriction will use the provided cdf as the defining source of truth and invert it exactly; the provided approximate_inverse_cdf is only used to speed up the function inversion. The function signature must be analogous to above, approximate_inverse_cdf(xi, [param1, [param2, [param3, …]]]), where you may rely on 0.0 <= xi <= 1.0.
  • min_symbol_inclusive and max_symbol_inclusive — define the range of integer symbols that you will be able to encode with this model, see "Guarantees And Requirements" below.

Guarantees And Requirements

The constriction library takes care of ensuring that the resulting entropy model is exactly invertible, which is crucial for correct encoding/decoding, and which is nontrivial due to inevitable rounding errors. In addition, constriction ensures that all symbols within the provided range {min_symbol_inclusive, …, max_symbol_inclusive} are assigned a nonzero probability (even if their actual probability under the provided model is smaller than the smallest representable probability), and that the probabilities of all symbols within this range add up to exactly one, without rounding errors. This is important to ensure that all symbols within the provided range can indeed be encoded, and that encoding with ANS is surjective.

The above guarantees hold only as long as the provided CDF is nondecreasing, can be evaluated on mid-points between integers, and returns a value >= 0.0 and <= 1.0 everywhere.


  • builtins.Model


  • builtins.ScipyModel
class Model (...)

Abstract base class for all entropy models.

This class cannot be instantiated. Instantiate one of its concrete subclasses instead.


  • builtins.Bernoulli
  • builtins.Binomial
  • builtins.Categorical
  • builtins.CustomModel
  • builtins.QuantizedCauchy
  • builtins.QuantizedGaussian
  • builtins.QuantizedLaplace
  • builtins.Uniform
class QuantizedCauchy (self, min_symbol_inclusive, max_symbol_inclusive, loc=None, scale=None)

A Cauchy distribution, quantized over bins of size 1 centered at integer values.

Analogous to QuantizedGaussian, just starting from a Cauchy distribution rather than a Gaussian.

Before quantization, the probability density function of a Cauchy distribution is:

p(x) = 1 / (pi * gamma * (1 + ((x - loc) / gamma)^2))

where the parameters loc and scale parameterize the location of the mode and the width of the distribution.

Fixed Arguments

The following arguments always have to be provided directly to the constructor of the model. They cannot be delayed until encoding or decoding.

  • min_symbol_inclusive and max_symbol_inclusive — specify the integer range on which the model is defined.

Model Parameters

Each of the following model parameters can either be specified as a scalar when constructing the model, or as a rank-1 numpy array (with dtype=np.float64) when calling the entropy coder's encode or decode method.

  • loc — the location (mode) of the Cauchy distribution before quantization.
  • scale — the scale parameter gamma of the Cauchy distribution before quantization (resulting in a full width at half maximum of 2 * scale). Must be strictly positive. If the scale is calculated by a function that might return zero, then add some small regularization (e.g., 1e-16) to it to ensure the function argument is positive (note that, as with any parameters of the entropy model, regularization has to be consistent between encoder and decoder side).


  • builtins.Model
class QuantizedGaussian (self, min_symbol_inclusive, max_symbol_inclusive, mean=None, std=None)

A Gaussian distribution, quantized over bins of size 1 centered at integer values.

This kind of entropy model is often used in novel deep-learning based compression methods. If you need a quantized continuous distribution that is not a Gaussian or a Laplace, then maybe ScipyModel or CustomModel is for you.

A QuantizedGaussian distribution is a probability distribution over the alphabet {-min_symbol_inclusive, -min_symbol_inclusive + 1, ..., max_symbol_inclusive}. It is defined by taking a Gaussian (or "Normal") distribution with the specified mean and standard deviation, clipping it to the interval [-min_symbol_inclusive - 0.5, max_symbol_inclusive + 0.5], renormalizing it to account for the clipped off tails, and then integrating the probability density over the bins [symbol - 0.5, symbol + 0.5] for each constriction.symbol in the above alphabet. We further guarantee that all symbols within the above alphabet are assigned at least the smallest representable nonzero probability (and thus can, in principle, be encoded), even if the true probability mass on the interval [symbol - 0.5, symbol + 0.5] integrates to a value that is smaller than the smallest representable nonzero probability.


See module level examples.

Fixed Arguments

The following arguments always have to be provided directly to the constructor of the model. They cannot be delayed until encoding or decoding.

  • min_symbol_inclusive and max_symbol_inclusive — specify the integer range on which the model is defined.

Model Parameters

Each of the following model parameters can either be specified as a scalar when constructing the model, or as a rank-1 numpy array (with dtype=np.float64) when calling the entropy coder's encode or decode method.

  • mean — the mean of the Gaussian distribution before quantization.
  • std — the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution before quantization. Must be strictly positive. If the standard deviation is calculated by a function that might return zero, then add some small regularization (e.g., 1e-16) to it to ensure the function argument is positive (note that, as with any parameters of the entropy model, regularization has to be consistent between encoder and decoder side).


  • builtins.Model
class QuantizedLaplace (self, min_symbol_inclusive, max_symbol_inclusive, mean=None, scale=None)

A Laplace distribution, quantized over bins of size 1 centered at integer values.

Analogous to QuantizedGaussian, just starting from a Laplace distribution rather than a Gaussian.

Fixed Arguments

The following arguments always have to be provided directly to the constructor of the model. They cannot be delayed until encoding or decoding.

  • min_symbol_inclusive and max_symbol_inclusive — specify the integer range on which the model is defined.

Model Parameters

Each of the following model parameters can either be specified as a scalar when constructing the model, or as a rank-1 numpy array (with dtype=np.float64) when calling the entropy coder's encode or decode method.

  • mean — the mean of the Laplace distribution before quantization.
  • scale — the scale parameter b of the Laplace distribution before quantization (resulting in a variance of 2 * scale**2). Must be strictly positive. If the scale is calculated by a function that might return zero, then add some small regularization (e.g., 1e-16) to it to ensure the function argument is positive (note that, as with any parameters of the entropy model, regularization has to be consistent between encoder and decoder side).


  • builtins.Model
class ScipyModel (self, scipy_model, min_symbol_inclusive, max_symbol_inclusive)

Adapter for models and model families from the scipy python package.

This is similar to CustomModel but easier to use if your model's cumulative distribution function and percent point function are already implemented in the popular scipy python package. Just provide either a fully parameterized scipy-model or a scipy model-class to the constructor. The adapter can be used both with both discrete models (over a continuous integer domain) and continuous models. Continuous models will be quantized to bins of width 1 centered at integers, analogous to the procedure described in the documentation of QuantizedGaussian

Compatibility Warning

The scipy package provides some of the same models for which constriction offers builtin models too (e.g., Gaussian, Laplace, Binomial). While wrapping, e.g., scipy.stats.norm in a ScipyModel will result in an entropy model that is similar to a QuantizedGaussian with the same parameters, the two models will differ slightly due to different rounding operations. Even such tiny differences can have catastrophic effects when the models are used for entropy coding. Thus, always make sure you use the same implementation of entropy models on the encoder and decoder side. Generally prefer constriction's builtin models since they are considerably faster and also available in constriction's Rust API.


Using a concrete (i.e., fully parameterized) scipy model:

import scipy.stats

scipy_model = scipy.stats.cauchy(loc=6.7, scale=12.4)
model =, -100, 100)

# Encode and decode an example message:
symbols = np.array([22, 14, 5, -3, 19, 7], dtype=np.int32)
coder = # (RangeEncoder also works)
coder.encode_reverse(symbols, model)
print(coder.get_compressed()) # (prints: [3569876501    1944098])

reconstructed = coder.decode(model, 6) # (decodes 6 i.i.d. symbols)
assert np.all(reconstructed == symbols) # (verify correctness)

Using a model family so that we can provide individual model parameters for each encoded or decoded symbol:

import scipy.stats

scipy_model_family = scipy.stats.cauchy
model_family =
    scipy_model_family, -100, 100)

# Encode and decode an example message with per-symbol model parameters:
symbols = np.array([22,   14,   5,   -3,   19,   7  ], dtype=np.int32)
locs    = np.array([26.2, 10.9, 8.7, -6.3, 25.1, 8.9], dtype=np.float64)
scales  = np.array([ 4.3, 7.4,  2.9,  4.1,  9.7, 3.4], dtype=np.float64)
coder = # (RangeEncoder also works)
coder.encode_reverse(symbols, model_family, locs, scales)
print(coder.get_compressed()) # (prints: [3493721376, 17526])

reconstructed = coder.decode(model_family, locs, scales)
assert np.all(reconstructed == symbols) # (verify correctness)


The following arguments always have to be provided directly to the constructor of the model. They cannot be delayed until encoding or decoding. However, the encapsulated scipy model may expect additional model parameters, which you can pass in at encoding or decoding time as in the second example below.

  • model — a scipy model or model class as in the examples above.
  • min_symbol_inclusive and max_symbol_inclusive — define the range of integer symbols that you will be able to encode with this model, see "Guarantees And Requirements" below.


  • builtins.CustomModel
  • builtins.Model
class Uniform (self, size=None)

A uniform distribution over the alphabet {0, 1, ..., size-1}, where size is an integer model parameter.

Due to rounding effects, the symbol size-1 typically has very slightly higher probability than the other symbols.

Model Parameter

The model parameter can either be specified as a scalar when constructing the model, or as a rank-1 numpy array with dtype=np.int32 when calling the entropy coder's encode or decode method. Note that, in the latter case, you still have to call the constructor of the model, i.e.: model_family = — note the trailing ().

  • size — the size of the alphabet / domain of the model. Must be at least 2 since constriction cannot model delta distributions. Must be smaller than 2**24 ≈ 17 millions.


  • builtins.Model